Those that can sell will survive and those that refuse to sell themselves, their company and their services will succumb. Now, more than any other time in recent history is the time to sell and promote in massive amounts. If you try to promote at the same levels you did in earlier years you will feel the tightening of the economy and you will feel it in a very big and painful way!
The problem is not whether the economy is shrinking, the problem is that people shrink. At times like these people submit and go into apathy with only enough energy left over to blame the economy, the government, the housing crisis or whatever they can blame. This is an incorrect response and will not aid a person, a group or a company in finding a way out. The only solution is to promote and sell your way out!

So many people misunderstand this thinking that sales has nothing to do with them. Wrong! The world is made of sales people and no matter your role, position or title your life depends on selling. At this time in your life you need to know how to win at this thing called selling so you can insure your place in the marketplace. Selling means getting your way, getting others to say yes to you, getting others to support you, getting others to believe in you, getting your products into the marketplace, getting others to see your way of seeing things, and causing others to act in a positive fashion that will support you in surviving.
Those that can sell will succeed and those that can not will not suffer to that degree. There are over 6 billion sales people on this planet and most of them have no idea that selling is THE secret to their success. No single individual or business can survive without the ability to sell and persuade others. When you no longer sell yourself and your services you will cease to survive and therein lies the story of Bear Stearns.
Now is the time to sharpen your skills so that no one can say no to you!
Now is the time to sharpen your attitude so that others want to be like you!
Now is the time to expand, promote, produce and succeed.
Grant Cardone
Author, Selling the Secret to Success