I recently did a book signing to a packed house at the historical Book Soup in Los Angeles and I told the audience that while the great business schools of America will tell you that one of the top reasons for business failure is undercapitalization, I believe that the number one reason a business or for that fact an individual fails in accomplishing its endeavors (regardless of the endeavor) is "it’s inability to sell products in quantities great enough, at prices high enough and at speeds fast enough to capitalize the business, the idea or whatever it is the company or individual’s survival depends on."
Take any failure you have had in your lifetime or any business failure that you have witnessed and you will see the individual or company was unable to gets its products into the marketplace at quantities great enough, fast enough and at prices high enough. While cash is necessary to fund any business it cannot be the determining factor! No matter how much cash the business or individual has, sooner or later you have to get your products and services funded by others through selling or you will burn through your cash. (See my article at Huffington Post where I am now blogging weekly.)
Consider the fact that selling is not even taught at these business schools and that alone would suggest that this is the great weakness of individuals and companies. Apple sits on 15 billion in cash because it sells its products in quantities great enough. Other companies, like UA, burn through cash due to it's inability to sell product at prices great enough. (See Price Myth Article).
This formula also proves true for individuals and households, and is not limited to just business. Every person has products and services that they either exchange or don't exchange with the market! Regardless of how superior your product, service or idea may be, your survival depends on your ability to get your products, services or ideas into the marketplace and funded. If you wanted to get a promotion, an idea, then you would have to sell someone on that. And if you can't sell the idea you will not be assured of the promotion!
Selling is not an activity of the business but the life-blood of it! Selling is not something you have a choice to do, anymore than you have a choice to breathe or eat. If you have any disdain or dislike for this thing called, selling, it is only because don’t know how important it is to your survival and/or don’t understand how to successfully get the job done.
Long time oil man, J. C. Walter, III – President of Walter Oil & Gas Corporation wrote me after reading my book, “No matter where you fall in the “food chain of life”, you need to be able to sell yourself to others.”
Kerri Kasem, radio personality says after reading the book, “Selling the Secret to Success should be put in the hands of anyone who wants to run a successful company and should be the "Bible" for anyone in sales. This book is so amazing, YOU HAVE TO READ IT.“
If you haven’t read it ,Selling the Secret to Success get it. If you have read it, read it again and then make sure your spouse reads it. The book that is being described at The Think and Grow Rich of the 21st Century will be released on audio at the end of July.
Order yours now so you can listen to it in your car as Grant expounds on each of the seventeen chapters! Call 800-368-5771 or by clicking on the title above.
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