Neither of the candidates running for the 2008 US Presidency can save you, your family, or your business during these current economic waters. Only YOU and YOUR TEAM can get you to "success" side of this economic contraction. The recent pullback in the market and any pain you may be experiencing is only an indication that you underestimated what it takes to create success for yourself and your company. If you think the outcome of the 2008 election is going to resolve your situation you will be sadly disappointed regardless of which party wins.
I have been telling business owners for years, do not rest on your laurels just because things are good. Any problems you are experiencing today was because you didn't properly prepare yourself yesterday. The reality is the problem existed years ago, but because the economic wind was at your back you didn't know it, until now.
Now it is back to basics; hard work, daily training, everyone pulling together and a relentless persistence t0 get the job done. Your daily efforts need to be a laser focus on moving you toward your destination, everyone KNOWING the destination you strive for, and the entire team pulling together! You have to knock off all foolishness, playtime, negative talk/think and pull together like it is a life or death matter!
1) Know where you want to go.
2) Know what it takes to get there.
3) Know how to do what it takes to get there.
4) Know through inspection that you are doing what it takes each day.
Neither a Democrat, a Republican, or anyone else can help you more than your daily effort to KNOW more and DO more. The more you know, the more you can do. The more you can do the more you will do! And more is critical during times where there appears to be less.
Grant Cardone, Author Selling the Secret to Success and Business Coach
Very hot and great information from the always positive and 150% enthused Grant Cardone! I have a huge CD series of his and although I'm not in the car business anymore, I STILL listen to the content and apply it to my own businesses! Mr.Cardone is one of the greats and his thinking makes sense. Questions? Ask me.
Grant, great post. Myself and my family realize you are 100% correct and that's all that matters... however we scratch our heads when we see millions of people listening to the candidates and living their lives according to what they say. America is terribly riddled with followers that will never lead their own lives and perhaps politics has a place for many... but not US!
Like always you hit the nail on the head. We are the solution and the problem. We control our own destiny and our attitudes. Stay focus on the main thing which is taking care of our customers and doing the things that give us the best opprotunity to be successful.
Seattle WA
Like always you hit the nail on the head. We are in control of our income and Attitudes. Keep focused on the main things like taking care of our customers and doing things that give us the best opportunity to be successful.
Just getter done!
Right On!!
Right on!!
Great message. As always you are right on with the message. Hope a lot of people read this.
Hi Grant! Yes, you are so correct in saying this. However, I also feel that part of the problem has been that our political leaders from the past, starting with Woodrow Wilson did not understand basic economics. Once they allowed the Federal Reserve to take over managing our money, we started to have too much "funny money" and THAT was not fair. Nothing like competing with printing presses verses labor. From my viewpoint, it is probably all good in that maybe some people will wake up and start listening to people like Ron Paul who I feel has a better grasp on the problem than either of these two.
I love it! you're totally right!:)
THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT GRANT BECAUSE I have been trying to convince my friends who make over $250k to vote for Obama. What are you doing in 2012?!
I agree Grant. I get sick and tired of hearing everyone complain about the economic situation. Don't get me wrong it does have some impact but you need to determine what kind of impact your going to allow it to have. One way or another take responsibility for it and determine how your doing to deal or better the situation. If you have your game together, this is an opportunity to excel.
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