Why is Grant Cardone's new book on Selling- Selling Out?
What is causing all the interest in this book?
What is in it that is causing people to compare the author to Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie.
Why are company executives buying as many as 100 books at a time to train their entire company.
One Florida CEO ordered one hundred books after only reading three chapters and then continued reading
and later ordered 1000 more.
Why are some saying that this book is the first new thing written on sales in forty or fifty years?
The author was asked at a book release party where over seven hundred people has RSVP for the launch why a book
on Selling was important at this time. Cardone says, "No Dream can ever be realized without someone selling someone else
on making that dream come true! Without a complete understanding of SELLING a person will never truly create success for them self or their company."
Selling the Secret to Success is getting international press- CLICK ON LINKS FOR ARTICLES: MARKETWIRE, MSNBC and REUTERS.
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