Nothing will get you through these economic unusual times more than getting back to effectively selling your products, your services and your company. It is more critical at this time than ever that you learn everything there is about selling, negotiating and closing.

Those that are able to effectively sell will survive and those that can not will suffer. At no time in my life will the mistakes a company and its people make with regards to selling be more expensive than right now. Even the smallest mistakes in selling will be greatly expensive running off customers and opportunities. SELL SELL SELL-nothing else matters. The management teams that spends less than 95% of their time on selling will find itself going backwards. "The only reason a business or an individual will fail is the inability to sell their products and services at prices high enough and in quantities great enough!"

95% of all the energy and efforts of the company, management and its people has to be on selling. Advertising and marketing are important but if they don't result in sales the company will abandon those efforts due to its lack of sales.

Management's daily attention must be on:
1) ensuring people's attitudes are positive,
2) effective 21st Century selling skills (not just old school tactics),
3) effective negotiations in order to maintain gross profits,
4) how to close the deal so that your efforts actually hit your books

While much of management is looking for ways to figure out how to reduce expenses nothing will get a company through these times more than increasing the gross sales line of its income statement. Nothing else matters at this time more than selling. ONLY THOSE TRAINED DAILY ON HOW TO SELL WILL SURVIVE!

Grant Cardone, (about Grant)
Author of Selling Is the Secret to Success

Your Actions Today

Your Future is Determined by Your Actions Today!

What you do today, not yesterday, is what will determine how you live your life tomorrow.

Its unfortunate that so many people spend time regretting yesterday, stewing over it, planning their life around it when its over, gone, finished! Yesterday in no way can impact tomorrow. "Yesterdays" only ruin your ability to create a tomorrow.

Consider your marriage: For a marriage to prosper you have to keep your attention on the future of it. Things like dates, dinners, plans, vacations, new adventures, mutual goals and projects are what will ensure its future. The marriage will not survive on the love of yesterday, but only on what is created in the future.

Take your business. Let's say you want to build your customer base and haven't been doing that for some years. The only thing that matters now is that you see how you want your future to look and then take the actions necessary today in building your customer base from here on out. No reason to spend time on yesterday as it is only filled with regrets, remorse, guilt, etc.

This is why newspapers are so damaging for people to read! Because they are focused on yesterdays not tomorrows. And the only time they discuss tomorrows is when they are projecting something negative and then compare to some other past devastating event!

Your future is a summation of your actions today, not what you did or did not do yesterday! Read newspapers and you are less likely to take positive actions at creating a positive future. Because the newspaper is written with the past in mind! This is why thousands of people are benefitting from my training CD's, as the material I teach constantly gets you to focus on your next action, thereby causing the listener to take positive actions today and create a great future tomorrow!

You can learn from the past but what you do today, not yesterday, is the only thing that will determine your success tomorrow! You can learn where you picked up the nail that gave you a flat; which would be good to know so that you avoid that spot of the road in the future, but right now, I suggest you change the tire as quickly as possible, be thankful you didn't have an accident and get on with your trip! Put your attention on where you are going, not on the nails of the past, and step on the gas pedal of action!

Only your actions of today will impact and ensure your future! The next thing you do or don't do is what will create the future for you! Taking any action to build your client base is better than none at all. And the more action you take the more your future will look like you want it to.

Anytime things get a little slow for me, these are the five steps I take to make sure my future shows up the way I want it to:

- Put my attention on and write down what I want my whole future to look.
- Then I put my attention on and write what I want certain areas to look like, for example a specific project.
- Do ONLY those actions necessary to create that future.
- Do those actions in massive proportions.
- Hire someone else to help me promote and continue those actions!

Forget yesterday, forget five seconds ago, and take action right now on your future.

See My Live Seminar!
Oct 7th - Buena Park CA
Oct 16th - Dallas TX
Oct 22nd - Richmond VA
CALL 800 - 368 - 5771

Grant Cardone, Author



Price and volume are critical to reaching high levels of success. You can not be good at just one or the other but need both!

This article is about the myths regarding price and later articles will be about increasing volume.

If you were to survey all of the salespeople in the world, you’d find that most of them believe that the number one reason they lose a sale is due to price. This is absolutely not the case and in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Price is not only not the buyer’s biggest concern but is at the bottom of the list of reasons why people don’t buy your product. Most sales are loss because you are not on a product that the buyer truly loves or because the buyer lacks confidence in the product solving his/her problems.

1) Most sales people are not even on the right product.
2) Don’t know what would motivate the buyer to value the product more than the money required to purchase the product.
3) What problem the customer is trying to solve.

It is the unspoken objections, not the obvious and apparent price, payments, terms or budgets objections that stop the sale. 90% of sale is getting the product right not getting the price right. This requires you to know what iit is that the buyer truly values from a point of passion (love) and logic (solving a problem).

Getting the sale is first about getting the buyer to a place where he/she has confidence in you, your company and the product you are presenting. If there is a price difference between you and others, (and their should be), then you have to build value in your product by increasing the confidence the buyer has in making a decision with you.

Reasons People Buy:
1) Love the product to the point that I have to have it now.
2) Need this product now to solve a problem.
3) Confidence that this product will meet their needs
4) Confidence in the representative and choose to buy the product in order to help the person they like and are willing to pay more in order to do so.

To learn more about how to get a higher price for your products you should consider my book, "Selling: The Secret to Success", and my audio programs Maximizing Every Opportunity and Rules of Success.

Thanks for reading, see you next week

Grant Cardone